catching your tale, one hour workshop in Edinburgh 22nd of November 2017

This is the words from the Melting Pot´s web page: 
"We tell stories every day. Whether meeting with colleagues, pitching to clients or chatting with friends, telling the right story helps us connect and communicate well.
Svend-Erik Engh is a storyteller by trade. In this workshop, he will introduce us to the basic rules of oral storytelling and help us develop stories that best communicate the value of our ideas.
The right story can build the bridge between now, and a future with your idea in it. Stop chasing your tale, come along to this TMPEvent and get your elevator pitch nailed!"

Step 1: 
I have my stories as images on my fingers.
Thumb: Introduce and give informations - Where? When? Who?
Index: Introduce theme and if there is helper, tell us about her or him
Middle: Turningpoint of the story, battle against evil, 
Ring: The last battle, here the helper and the hero/ine shows us, why they are together about defeating the dragon/troll/giant
Pinky: The final triumph, how has this battle changed the future for the hero/ine

Step 2
introduce the day: 

Thumb:  What is a story?
Index: Metaphor
Middle: Personal stories - have at least 20 small stories that reveals who you are and what values you bring into your project.
Ring: What do you offer this person? A story about what you are doing has to connect to what is the demand from the costumer/client. It it essential here to create a feeling of we. 
Pinky: Future stories. You have to make the bridge between the old story without the innovation, you bring into people´s life) and the new story with the innovation you bring into people´s life.  

Step 3

What is a story?

Two kinds of stories:
1. Something that happened and created feelings, so you just have to tell about it
2. The bigger story you are living in and where you as an innovator are telling a new story, a story of change

Introduce the hero and the helper.

First story: Think of an incident within the past two month, where something happened, that had a positive impact on your business. 

Introduce feedback: 
1. What was clearest in that story?  Was it a smell? An image? A sound?
2. Tell the storyteller, why you think he/she is a good storyteller.

Step 4 

What is a metaphor?

Drawing of a tree

Story of Gandhi

Step 5

Personal stories

Second story: Think of an incident from your life, that connects you to your idea.


Step 6

What is it, you are offering? Can it be told as a story? Can it include any listener? Does it change when the listener changes? How do you tell it, so you and the listener becomes a we?

Step 7

Future - how do you tell about the future with your change idea in it? Try to think of a story from the past, where the idea already is implemented, maybe not in full. Try to think of your client as a hero, that has to find you as a helper to win the battle.


Stories for entrepreneurs 

Stories used to transform a wider society


  1. Interaction in storytelling, the communication tree, a vision for the future :


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